Monday, March 02, 2009

And the Saga of KS Honeymoon packs continues...

Today I was reminded of an incident that occured nearnly eight years back. My friend, Shivakant, who was going to be married called up and told me this in the stern and chilling voice ... "Sachin, I don't know where you get it from, I want it for my first night (period)". And with that threat Myself and our friend Puneet started out on a hunt across all medical shops in Chennai for - "K.S. Honeymoon pack". We escaped out of office during lunch breaks with our HCL Technologies badge still around our neck, going from shop to shop asking for "KS Honeymoon pack!".

Err... what reminded me of that day today? Today in a different company (Google), in a different city (Bangalore), with a different friend (Kuldeep) and for a different friend (xxx) I was hunting for the same thing "KS honeymoon pack"! :-)

... and so the Saga continues. 

Based on True Story!

o Shivakant did receive the gift on time...
o After that it became our customery gift for newly married couples...
o No one till date had any complains about the gift...

... and everyone did it happily ever after ;-)

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Thursday, January 01, 2009

I have been looking for learning something new. Slalom on inlines is what I think that will be. My goal is to learn 5 tricks in next couple of months. I have found an excellent site that is going to be my teacher 


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pankaj, Satish and myself performed "Men In Black" skit for the Holiday Party in Opus. We planned and executed the whole show - from scripting, directing, to purchase and practice in less than 24 hours - well, it was very visible how badly we needed practice :-). But then we had tons of fun and we made quite a few laugh.

There is nothing like the kick you get when being on stage. Can't wait to get back on stage... :-)

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Suchet once wanted to Kill Sneha as he was bored. That was some years back, well, now Sneha is going to turn 5 and here is how she is holding up. I over heard Sneha telling Suchet, "Suchet, if you die, I will be very very happy. You know, I will get all your toys".

Wish me luck!

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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Just saw Randy Pausch's "The Last Lecture" video on youtube. You must see if you have not, damn what an inspiring lecture.

Anyway, it just made me realize I had lost my way. I used to be this dreamer, and I used to go after my dreams. Where did I lose my dreams? Where is the Tigger within me? I think somewhere unkowingly I lost my way... I have to get back on track.

From my farewell mail that I sent when I quit my last job (where I worked for more 5 years)...

"I wish each one of you the courage to pursue your dreams. I am on my way, and who knows, with some luck I may achieve it".

You will need to excuse me now, I have to find my way back... I am going to infuse the excitement back into life.  Now where to begin with? So that I won't lose my way again I am going to keep the list 43things. :-)

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Raising a child is the ultimate challenge both intellectually, physically and mentally. If you don't agree it is proof that you have not raised a kid.

Beyond the normal challenges, once in a while your kids are going to do (or say) something that will just send a shiver down your spine.

Like some years back when my son, Suchet, was 3.5y old, casually told me "Pappa, I am getting bored. Let us kill Sneha (my daughter)".

Not to say, I had to double check with him what he said, and what he meant... and then explain him clearly why that was not a good idea. I knew it was just a child talk, and hence was not overly worried about it. But then I was checking on my son and daugther once in a while (every 5 minutes) after that for over a week :-).

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